Monday, March 2, 2009

Style development continued...

During the past decade I've worked to perfect a technique that is well illustrated in this detail image. I greatly admire painters and skilled brush work. Being committed to black and white drawing and loving quality paintings I wanted to find a way to enjoy the best of both worlds. I also wanted a way of loosening up my work from highly precise detail. With a great deal of thought and practice I have found something that excites me very much. It has opened up a whole new world of possibility and fueled my lifelong passion for drawing. Now each new work demands a fresh approach and problem solving sessions. I find I have so many exciting subject ideas that I can hardly contain myself. The frustration is that my time is so limited.


Stephanie said...

I can totally relate to not having enough time!

Jeanette Jobson said...

I've just discovered your blog and your work is fabulous. I shall be back.

Dean Richards said...

Hello Stephanie and Jeanette,
Welcome to my blog and for your nice comments.